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Archive for the ‘Blahblahblah’ Category

A new plugin, and hi… it’s been 2 years

So yes, it’s been 2 years since my last post. Been receiving quite a few comments on this blog still, but I was too busy with other projects (sorry folks). As a result, all of my plugins are now out of date. Some of them may not even work flawlessly with the newer versions of [...]

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New domain hack idea

Today, I happened to visit The Daily Monster. It’s a very cool site, I highly recommend you guys to visit it. This post is not about Stefan and his monsters however, but about some domain hack ideas that I’ve just come up with today. In case you’re not familiar with the term, Wikipedia has a [...]

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WordPress: Thank that first time commentator!

Thumbnail credit: Premshree Pillai To a website, comments are important - this you must agree. But not all visitors leave comments - in fact, very, very few. Most of them care about the content only, and tend to leave (bounce) the site right after getting the information they need (so sad a life, huh?) Many [...]

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How I sped up my

Thumbnail credit: Amnemona If you didn’t notice, I have another site called - Vietnam poetry network, a WordPress (what else) powered blog dedicated to poems in Vietnamese. The site is receiving about 60K of views per month, which is 12x to that of the moment when it was started back on March 2008, and [...]

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If I don’t write a post, people may think I’m dead :)

Yes, the stupid office work hour has been taken from me all the precious time and inspiration. Even the plan to redesign this site had to be abandoned. But I am still here. I have too little time for a new technique to share with you, but have never forgot this blog of mine. If [...]

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WordPress plugins I’m using (cont’d)

Be sure you’ve read the first part of this post. 6. Though my knowledge is very very very humble, I sometimes do tutorials (don’t laugh, what a shame :”>), for example, this and this which have been receiving a few of visitors from Google. In these tutorials, I posted some source code - HTML, XML, [...]

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To twitter or not to twitter

Like almost everyone here, I have my Twitter account too, which I created long ago. Thing is, I don’t exactly know what’s it about (what a shame). Thaya he told me that it’s some kind of chatting, just less annoying and more useful, but still I don’t understand how people can keep a web page [...]

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I was taking a break. It was Lunar New Year holiday here and I was too lazy to even think of posting something new. Got a bad sick during Tet, but I’m still alive (“Alive and kicking, oh!“). Btw, Referrer Detector is coming close to the next version with some real improvements. UPDATE: Version 3.2 [...]

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WP-DBManager’s vulnerability

I’ve been using WP-DBManager for quite a while now, and in short it’s a very good - if not the best - WordPress plugin to help you manage your database - with just one click, you can backup, restore, repair, optimize, and do other tasks. Essential plugin, really. But today I noticed this DANGEROUS thing, [...]

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Setup a development version of WordPress

Being a WordPress user, there’re certainly times when you want to try something new with your blog - a new plugin, some hacks and tweaks, some theme fine-tunes etc. It may not be a big deal if your blog is new and has a limited userbase, but if you’re maintaining a big blog, then every [...]

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