Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category

Deal with browser incompliance using jQuery

Without a doubt, being a serious web guy you want your new site to look perfect on web browsers. Yes, mission would be simple - or sound simple - if there wasn’t something called browser wars for such a long time without any glorious winner (yet). The stupid result is, we poor web designers and [...]

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It’s been quite a while I don’t have any update on this blog (sorry my *ten* RSS subscribers…). If there is any excuse, then it should be the fact that I’ve just left Gameloft to join a start up, and you know it, the work load is just a bit heavier than what I expected. [...]

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WordPress plugins I’m using (cont’d)

Be sure you’ve read the first part of this post.
6. Though my knowledge is very very very humble, I sometimes do tutorials (don’t laugh, what a shame :”>), for example, this and this which have been receiving a few of visitors from Google. In these tutorials, I posted some source code - HTML, XML, PHP, [...]

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WordPress plugins I’m using

Just in case you don’t know - I’m pretty sure you do though - a WordPress-powered website is very limited in any terms without plugins. Or you can tell, a WordPress site that doesn’t use any plugin is just useless. Plugins bring your site uncountable and invaluable enhancements.
Well, enough of babbling. What I wanted to [...]

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php.js - Javascript equivalents for PHP functions

Being a PHP developer, there must be certain times when you have to deal with Javascript. And if you’re rather confident with PHP when in the meantime suck at JS just like me, you must have more than once googled for the JS equivalent of that very useful/powerful base64_encode, or htmlentities, or array_merge, or strpos, [...]

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I was taking a break. It was Lunar New Year holiday here and I was too lazy to even think of posting something new.
Got a bad sick during Tet, but I’m still alive (“Alive and kicking, oh!“).
Btw, Referrer Detector is coming close to the next version with some real improvements. UPDATE: Version 3.2 is here [...]

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Kohana PHP framework

You know, I’m a die-hard fan of CodeIgniter. Among a lot of PHP frameworks out there, I prefer CI over Zend, Cake, Symfony etc. because of its speed, efficiency, and most importantly, simplicity. Just download it, unzip into a folder, and call it done. To me, a framework that costs me more than 10 minutes [...]

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IP address to geographic details

Today I received a small project to detect the country of web visitors. I’ve never done something like that before, so as always, I started googling around. And it turned out that it’s not that complex - there is a company called MaxMind that offers APIs to look up geographic details from an IP address. The [...]

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WP-DBManager’s vulnerability

I’ve been using WP-DBManager for quite a while now, and in short it’s a very good - if not the best - WordPress plugin to help you manage your database - with just one click, you can backup, restore, repair, optimize, and do other tasks. Essential plugin, really.
But today I noticed this DANGEROUS thing, and [...]

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Setup a development version of WordPress

Being a WordPress user, there’re certainly times when you want to try something new with your blog - a new plugin, some hacks and tweaks, some theme fine-tunes etc. It may not be a big deal if your blog is new and has a limited userbase, but if you’re maintaining a big blog, then every [...]

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