Make your site *look* pro with simple CSS techniques

Big things are created with tiny bits, that’s what I hear them say. It can’t be more correct with web design - a small detail can change the whole site. In this article (and more to come) I will introduce some small CSS techniques that can make your site look pro - I must emphasize the word, since it’s all about visual effects. After all, it’s always the content that matters.
Photograph-like images
Here is what’s *very* often used to make a photo look like a - erm - photo:
And here is the DEAD SIMPLE style applied:
.entry-extended img.shot
background: #fff;
padding: 6px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
As you can see, we simply use a white background color, increase the padding value, and add a thin solid border. Change the style a bit to get what you want. Read more »